Boomer Moms: Finding Work & Home Balance
Women in particular need to keep an eye on their physical and mental health, because if we’re scurrying to and from appointments and errands, we don’t have a lot of time to take care of ourselves. We need to do a better job of putting ourselves higher on our own ‘to do’ list.
-Michelle Obama
Life is truly a balancing act, and believe it or not there are real solutions in real time that will help you strike a happy, healthy, stress free balance. In the first of several blogs on home and work life balance I will share valuable tips, and solutions that will simplify your life, reduce your stress level and save your sanity. Sound good? These simple yet effective time proven solutions worked for me and they will work for you to.
Most Boomers grew up in schools taught by teachers from the “Silent Generation.” These are the parents who were born in the 1920s to the early-to-mid 1940’s during the Great Depression and World War II. This was my parent’s generation. They were trained at an early age to conform to social norms. Children were taught to speak when spoken too, and to be seen but not heard. These values were passed onto their children (Boomers).
Thanks in large part to the “Silent Generation,” Boomers have a very strong work ethic, and we’re very proud of it. However, there are studies that indicate we may not be the only generational group with a strong work ethic. However, those most impacted by a fiercely dedicated work ethic are career driven Boomer Moms because unlike many Millennials and Gen-Xer’s we are married, we are mothers, grandmothers, caregivers to our parents, child, or spouse or we were one. Today many boomers are raising their grandchildren. So, our struggles with balancing our homes and work lives are a bit more challenging. Despite these struggles Boomers are very tenacious, and we are resilient, so you won’t find us throwing in the towel any time soon. Now that we’ve identified some of the challenges and struggles let’s talk solutions.
Solution 1 – Negotiate – Home and Work Life Balance
Negotiating sounds difficult, maybe even a little abrasive when we’re talking about our family and other loved ones. Right? It really is easier than you might imagine. Negotiations happen each and every day millions of times. We’re negotiating every day and may not realize that we are. We all have the skill and ability to negotiate our needs, wants, expectations and desires and we should do so with a purpose and a strategy. Life is a series of negotiations from marriage, starting a family, handling daily tasks, purchasing a home, car, salary and benefits for a new job… Why should negotiating schedules with our family members be any different?
Life is a day to day journey of constant change and should be approached that way. Just as the sun rises and sets each day so do the demands on our daily lives. Negotiations require compromise from everyone involved, and the end goal is a mutual agreement from everyone.
Family Meeting
Just as some of us sit around a boardroom table negotiating the big deals. The biggest deal of all requires sitting down with your family members. If home and work life balance is truly your ultimate goal, it is essential to discuss compromises for your respective schedules, activities, future plans, daily and long-term plans and goals. Relationships with anyone you see frequently requires compromise. This is a very valuable life skill that your children need to learn.
Map out a plan of action
Plans help us meet our goals and objectives so negotiate one that meets the needs of the entire family. Don’t forget to include that all important “me” time. As women, wives, mothers, daughters, grandma’s, community volunteers…we’re always putting the needs of others before our own. Try to remember that your individual needs are just as important as the collective needs of the family, so make sure they are included in the family negotiations.
Ask for help
This tip is one of the most essential pieces to executing a home and work life balance. After you’ve had the family meeting, mapped out a plan of action for your daily life it’s time to ask for help. Yes! I said “help.” Are you really super woman? The harsh reality is that you’re not and neither am I. I know how difficult this can be to accept. Letting go of the reigns of control is a scary thought. However, it’s essential to your health and overall well-being that you do. If you value your health it’s time to invest a little time negotiating the help you need. The benefits you’ll gain cannot be measured. Once upon a time I tried to do it all to and that resulted in a crash and burn physical health collapse. From one Boomer mom to another don’t go it alone. Take full advantage of those valuable resources right underneath your roof. Try to resist the need to control everything that goes on both in and outside your home.
As a Boomer’s it’s important to remember you were once a “me,” before you became a “we” so sit down with your family, negotiate everyone’s needs, including your own. Since you are the family CEO try putting yourself first for a change. Before ending the family meeting make sure everyone is in agreement, understands their roles and how they impact the family unit. Make sure everything is written down. It’s all too easy for us to forget and then you’re right back where you started. After the family meeting, mapping out your plan of action, and asking for the help you need it’s time to pat yourself on the back because you’ve taken the first step toward reducing your stress, preserving your health and your sanity. You’re well on your way to creating that all essential Home and Work Life Balance!
“Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.”
-Dolly Parton
Let’s talk soon!
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